Francine Rivers

 Francine Rivers 's Books

A very well recieved series by Francine Rivers are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are An Echo in the Darkness, A Lineage of Grace, The Prince: Jonathan, Bridge to Haven, The Priest: Aaron, Her Mother's Hope, Redeeming Love, The Scarlet Thread, The Masterpiece, The Last Sin Eater, The Prophet: Amos, As Sure as the Dawn, Her Daughter's Dream, A Voice in the Wind, The Warrior: Caleb, The Scribe: Silas, And the Shofar Blew, The Atonement Child, Unshaken_Ruth, Unspoken_Bathsheba, The Scribe, Sons of Encouragement, The Shoe Box, Sycamore Hill, Unafraid_Mary, Marta's Legacy Collection, which was published in 2022.